How Arch Support Orthotics Can Help Relieve Foot Pain

By Sharron Cantu

Painful and swollen ankles and feet is a problem very familiar to podiatrists. In most cases the origin of the problem can be traced to the wearing of inappropriate shoes but in many other cases patients suffer from conditions such as flat feet. A surprising number of patients will benefit from the use of special insoles. This arch support orthotics helps patients to maintain a proper posture and this often provide almost immediate relief.

People with fallen insteps experience a wide range of symptoms. In some cases sufferers experience pain constantly. They also have great difficulties standing on their toes and they simply cannot stand upright for long periods. They suffer from swollen feet and ankles and in most cases lower back pain is a constant companion. People with flat feet also find that their shoes wear down unevenly.

There is no cure for flat feet. Insoles remain one of the most effective remedies however. Even if they do not lead to a cure, they still provide immense relief. They are designed to support the arches, helping sufferers to stand up straight. They are freely available over the counter but some patients need custom made insoles if their feet are deformed in any way.

A small number of podiatrists have attempted to cure flat feet by surgically inserting an artificial support device in the ankle. However, the vast majority of podiatrists shun this idea. They describe this operation as irresponsible and very risky. The chances of something going wrong are unacceptably high and the patient will experience constant lifelong pain. The risk is simply not worth it.

Apart from wearing insoles, people with flat feet can avoid pain and discomfort with a few simple exercises. Patients are advised to try and run on their toes and to regularly stretch the toes as wide as possible. It is also highly recommended that people with flat feet walk barefoot as often as they can. When exercising regularly the tendons and ligaments in the feet will grow stronger.

All babies have flat feet. The arches only develop at a later stage but in some cases they simply never develop at all. There are other causes for flat feet that develop at a later stage. Obese people are very likely to suffer from flat feet. Those with arthritis are also at risk. The tendons in the ankles often weaken with age and this may lead to flat feet in the elderly.

There are steps that can be taken to prevent the arches from falling. It is imperative to wear the correct shoes at all times. Shoes should always provide proper support and there should be room for the toes to move. Women, especially, should try not to wear high heels for long periods. Sportspeople should also make sure that their footwear is designed to distribute their weight evenly.

Insoles can do much to help people suffering from flat feet to avoid constant pain and discomfort. It is important to buy only quality products from reputable dealers. Inferior products can actually more harm than good, causing blisters and placing pressure upon the foot. Any podiatrist can give advice on which products are best.

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