Fat Burning Foods for Women - Angela's Ass Day 49

The horror stories abound, where whole communities of fat cells have literally been wiped out, simply become genetic memory. It seems strange to think back to those lazy years of quiet growth, the steady increases from combined low metabolic output and modest but positive inflation. Then the gastronomic bubble years went boom, and Angela discovered diet planning, and 'fat killing' foods and 'fat torching' diets.
It is horrible to behold, these withered fat societies, one cell pitched against another, desperate for the meagre blood chemistry needed to sustain fat life. The horrible excesses of the years of plenty now haunt the more stricken globular clusters, with protein rich muscles muscling in on otherwise incumbent fat societies, there is a war of attrition on. Today, the asslands are positively withered, back to mid-20's economic tightness. Positively taut, and a disgraceful reflection of what is let's face it, a forty-something ass.
Even the arterial clogging has been compromised! Interfat connections are at record lows and our fantastic bandwidth has been reduced by two whole dress sizes. In just seven weeks! Apparently, she's even being Oogled now.
Studies of the nutrient consumption ergonomic, has revealed a woeful reduction in sugars and salts and saturated fats. Those animal brother lipids have just been cut out from their promised rewards of a long and peaceful expansion into the promised ass land. There are also (unsubstantiated) reports that some long-chain poly-poly amino sacharide mother pussbuckets are masquerading in some margerines and preventing other legitimate lipids from getting into Angela's bloodstream. Margerines which prevent fat absorption! Outrageous.
Those are our life-blood fats! Denied! The reasons for this tragic development are varied, although this excerpt from the world beyond Angela's ass is highly revealing:
Overweight and obesity in particular are critical to understanding the continued development of the human form, and as such are woefully misunderstood in our liberal supposedly knowledgeable society. This is despite the significant effort expended both intellectually and financially in order to 'understand' the growing weight 'problem' in the modern western world.
In some popular national papers, the so-called 'problem' has often been reduced to an ignorantly facetious question: 'Why are there so many whale-fat behemoth humans around all of a sudden?' 
In fact, given the huge and periodic media frenzy associated with overweight and obesity, it would be easy to think that Earth had just been invaded by some ravenous host from the Planet of Lard.

This attention correctly reflects the simple truth that the population is in general getting fatter, but then proceeds to fundamentally misinterpret this essential advancement as a bad thing. Almost without exception, all meaningful research is designed to understand and reverse this trend to fat, and unsurprisingly then, all government advertisements urge the same thing.
These recommendations are of course supported by the increasingly popular observation from within the scientific community that obesity is a disease, and many very respectable scientific journals often describe obese fat cells as being 'sick.'
Sick! Sick! What is this nonsense? Sickness can't be cured simply by going on a 'Diet Plan' or by 'Eating Wisely' or even, shudder at the thought 'Dieting.' No, fat is a natural high; the most developed nation on earth is as fat as a very fat fat thing, and that's fat.
Oh, running around in the bush might sound like a great plan, but when something turns up that wants to eat Angela's ass, then you'll really really wish you were tucking into that 2nd double cheeseburger with fries and a fat sugary fizzy side. The fast food plan, lose that slim ass and don't get bitten by a prairie predator! Makes sense.
Of course, Angela's 20-year old ass tells another story; the fat cells are 3-dimensional but with merely a 1-dimensional view of the universe. Don't listen to them, or the government food meisters. Eat well, and eat healthy.

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