Asking Is There A Cure For Lyme Disease

By Enid Hinton

Campers, hikers, fishermen and most other outdoors enthusiasts are very aware of the dangers surrounding tick bites. Even those that do not carry viral and microbial infections that they pass on to their hosts can create severe discomfort for any victim they encounter. To that end many people ask is there a cure for Lyme disease when speaking to their doctors.

Early detection of this disease is paramount to having it cured completely. Knowing the symptoms will greatly increase the chances of getting a correct diagnosis at the earliest possible moment. The first noticeable sign is a rash at the site of a bite. This rash will spread and take on the appearance of a bulls eye with an area around the location of the bite being red and a space of clear skin surrounded by another strip of red. The rash generally is not painful or itchy but will be warm to the touch.

Most people will experience a series of common symptoms such as fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, fever and chills. The diagnosis becomes difficult because the symptoms come and go and many times a doctor is not consulted because they may not occur at the same time. As time passes more symptoms will surface if treatment is not received.

More rashes may occur on other parts of your body as time passes and you may experience Bell's Palsy, a condition that causes the facial muscles to dissipate and weaken. Inflammation in the spinal cord will cause severe neck and head pain and random sharp pain may disturb sleep. These symptoms will eventually stop whether you seek treatment or not. Unfortunately, those who do not get treatment can suffer other more serious symptoms.

Over sixty percent of untreated victims will experience arthritic pain and swelling in their major joints such as knees. The arthritis caused by this disease is different from normal arthritis. The symptoms are more severe and require different treatment styles. Further complications in over five percent of untreated persons include chronic neurological issues such as sharp pains, tingling and numbness in extremities and short term memory loss.

Most physicians treat their patients with massive long term doses of anti biotic. The most common application is through oral consumption but some patients receive injections. The treatment may last up to thirty days and those who delay treatment may require intravenous treatment and be confined to the hospital.

There is a limit to how much anti biotic can be administered to a patient legally and those with chronic Lyme symptoms will be denied treatment by doctors and coverage by health insurance. There are natural treatments that may be helpful to combat the symptoms of pain and memory loss. Most ingredients involve raw fruits and vegetables that work as natural anti bodies that can kill and flush the infection from your body.

The best cure may be to protect yourself and family from contracting this malady but should it happen, early detection is the best defense against long term issues. The sooner you contact your doctor the more apt you are to achieve complete recovery.

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