Most Effective Exercises For Abs

By Adamsky Popovic

Do you know that many ab exercises today wreak havoc the natural actions of our spines? And do you know that that can lead to back pains and a weak middle area? Heck yes! Moreover, these exercises have no application in real life situations such as carrying a very heavy box from the ground or a child on the shoulders? Yes, particularly sit-ups and crunches (the two mainstream ab exercises of the century).

Now... thanks to some experts and elite physical fitness trainers, there are well designed ab exercises that enhance, as opposed to damage, the natural movements of the vertebral column. These in turn, aid to establish strength and stability, not just for the rectus abdominis (the 6 pack ab muscles) alone, but for the whole core itself; that includes every muscle surrounding the spine; resulting for a stronger and healthier core.

So here we finally have managed to compile 4 effective ab exercises that will not only help you build 6 pack abs, but a strong middle section too! Here they are:

The Plank

This is the standard core workout for core training. It's actually the bread and butter itself. It is done in a modified push-up position; with your weight leaning on your elbows; lower arms lined up with the upper body, shoulder with apart. Remember! It is very important to form a straight line from neck to ankles to get the right challenge. The position should be held for 60 to 90 seconds.

Side Plank.

An exercise focused on the sides; with the weight on the lower arm (directly below the shoulder) and side of the foot. The position must be held for 30 to 45 seconds. (A word of advice by the way, if you don't want to look fatter, it's better to lose weight from your midsection before performing this exercise. Why? Because it will definitely make the sides of your core bigger; and if you have that extra fat on the sides, your mid section will look even more horrendous.

Hand Walk

This is an advance workout for the core; a very challenging one. Most week end warriors (MMA fighters) do it to strengthen their cores. This exercise must be carried out starting in a standing position, and hands on the floor lined up with your feet. Your hands must stroll in front of you as far as possible. Then, go back to the beginning position.

Abdominal Wheel Roll-out

This resembles the hand walk. Other than that it's done on bended knees, and hands on a small wheel in front that goes back and forth.

Though these exercises may not seem to exercise the rectus abdominis itself, clinical researches show that back extension workouts such as the abdominal wheel roll-out or hand walk, force core muscles (including abdominals) to work harder than spinal flexion workouts, like crunches and sit-ups. Core workouts are definitely better than any targeted abdominal exercises. They do not just establish a strong 6 pack abdominals, but they train your body to react to real world challenges as well; whereas classic sit-ups won't.

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